Should you try to impress on every date?

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If you think about it, the recruitment process is very much like dating. In essence, there are 2 parties, both want an outcome, so they get involved with someone to see if there is a good fit. Often times, at some point, one of the 2 parties decides that the fit isn’t quite right and the 2 go their separate ways (hopefully, but not always, amicably).

When you are recruiting staff, you are half of the ‘dating’ relationship. And whenever 2 people are dating, they are generally doing everything they can to impress the other person. When one party thinks they hold the upper hand, and don’t have to work as hard, that’s generally when the relationship heads South.

The point is, if you’re a hiring company, you are NOT the only one assessing if the fit is right. Just like you have the opportunity to go on a number of ‘dates’ with your candidate, they equally have to the right to assess you at every stage in the process (and they should). They are trying to make themselves look amazing to you, and rest assured you need to do the same to them. As the talent shortage intensifies, it will be the companies that understand this that will succeed in their search for great people to add value to their organisations.

If you go on a few ‘dates’ with a candidate, and then they break up with you… there’s no point automatically blaming the candidate (or the recruiter). It’s not always their fault. Have a look at your entire interaction with the candidate, and try to establish if you did something that put them off. It may not always be fun to think about, but then neither is getting dumped by someone you like. If you know what you may have done wrong, you can hopefully avoid doing it next time.

If you’re putting in all the hard work to get “dates” but keep getting dumped, feel free to reach out to Deon Haar on 0404 397 352 or [email protected]*

*If you’re getting dumped in real life, we can’t really help with that, sorry.



When it comes to selecting a new team member – to get the best fit for your business, you want the opportunity to select from the greatest pool of talent possible, not simply the tiny fraction of available candidates that happen to see your Seek ad. Give yourself the greatest chance of hiring success.c75a048e 3107 449f a177 934274625dba | Nationwide Pharmacy Services

You asked… we’ve answered.

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In last months newsletter, we offered the opportunity to ask us any question you liked about the recruitment and HR process. Unsurprisingly, this was asked more often than any other:


Why should we pay a recruiter when we can get someone from Seek?

Great question, and one we figured was coming. As per the Pyramid graphic above (which was created to try to answer the question), ultimately it comes down to the people you want to choose FROM, not just the person you want to CHOOSE.

Let’s look at a hypothetical scenario – You can run an ad on Seek, get 10 responses, 3 are living overseas, 2 won’t be AHPRA registered, 2 have poor communications, 1 won’t relocate. That leaves 2 candidates you can ACTUALLY pick from. You speak with both and hire one. Job done… you’ve employed someone, and escaped a fee.
But do you really want to select your next team member from TWO options?

At NPS, we spend the vast majority of our time speaking with Pharmacists, to really understand them, their career goals and aspirations, their drivers and motivators. We know what they want, where they will move to, and how much money they want. And when we reference our database we’re talking over 4000 registered Pharmacists living in Australia.
So when you brief us on a vacancy, we send you the best of OUR best… which is a much bigger talent pool than those who see (and apply to) your Seek ad.

And often times, in the roles we fill, NO ONE has applied to the clients’ Seek ads (sometimes for months). So the fee you pay, is for us to have the available talent, interviewed and screened, and available when you need it.



THIS is why we do what we do….

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